emergency first response 150€

duration: 1 day

Gain Life-Saving Skills with our Emergency First Response (EFR) Course!

Be prepared to respond confidently to medical emergencies, not just in diving but in everyday life. The EFR course equips you with essential skills to assist family, friends, and coworkers. Act with confidence and make a life-saving difference. This course is a pre-requisite for the PADI Rescue Diver Course. Enroll now and be prepared for any emergency!

What's Included


The PADI Emergency First Response (EFR) course is a fundamental training program designed to equip individuals with essential life-saving skills. Whether you’re a diver or non-diver, the EFR course teaches participants how to respond effectively to medical emergencies, including CPR, first aid, and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) use. Through hands-on training and scenario-based learning, participants learn to assess emergencies, provide initial care, and facilitate professional emergency medical assistance when necessary. The course emphasizes confidence-building and prepares individuals to handle medical emergencies both in and out of the water, making it an invaluable certification for anyone interested in promoting safety and well-being in their community.